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Applications Development

Diffco creates new enterprise applications from scratch and improves current apps to help you scale your business. With our experienced team, you can access the design, development, and support expertise you need to make your enterprise applications development venture a success.

Project approaches



Our team can fully develop and maintain your iOS and Android mobile applications, or we can collaborate with your team in a joint mobile app development effort.

Mobile + backend

Mobile + backend

When you need to develop a backend solution to support your enterprise mobile app or web platform, our backend engineering team is ready to help.

Web version

Web version

If you need a web application or a platform along with your mobile app, our front-end team will help you achieve your goals.

Admin panel

Admin panel

We design and develop easy-to-use admin panels for mobile and web apps, using popular UI solutions that are reliable and easy to support and extend.

Project Stages and Flow

Depending on your current project stage Diffco can work-out and suggest the most effective plan to achieve your goals, and launch or release a new version that your users will love.

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Discovery stage

To efficiently plan and run your project, we start with discovery. In this four-step stage, we collaborate with you to align functionality, prioritize business goals, coordinate strategy, and prototype future products. During discovery, we also define your deadlines and budget.


Design stage

After developing a prototype wireframe, our design team starts to create your application style (the app’s “look and feel”). In this stage, we provide you with a full set of UI screens to use for further development.


Development stage

Product development typically evolves across multiple releases, including a minimum viable product (MVP) for the earliest possible release. To speed the process, we use Agile methodology with short sprints, and we run the development stage in parallel with design wireframes, documentation, and mockups.


Ongoing Development, Support,
and Maintenance Stage

After releasing the MVP, our team performs new sprints to speed new releases with additional functionality. And we support and maintain the latest version of the launched app.

Development formats and billing

Time & Materials

The best software requires flexible thinking, tweaks to requirements, and shifts in scope. With the T&M approach you won't overpay for risk contingencies that you probably won’t need.
Read our blog for a full analysis

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Time & Materials
Agile vs Waterfall


Agile software development involves a series of short sprints to ensure rapid, transparent progress toward your product goals. We apply this nimble, responsive approach to incorporate your feedback, adjust priorities as needed, and ensure your approval at every step. We use the Agile best practice because it is more flexible—and less risky—than the linear Waterfall development methodology.

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Top-Notch Enterprise Application Features

Although enterprise web application development can provide infinite solutions, we’ve found that these three features are the most popular across the board.


According to recent studies, 60% of all occupations involve of 30% of automatable activities, and any enterprise that relies on automations will make a huge impact on productivity. At the global level, automations could affect 1.2 billion employees and save $14.6 trillion in wages.

Automations can also lead to:

  • Lower maintenance costs
  • Increased profits
  • Improved safety
  • Higher quality

It's no wonder that seamless automations are one of the top features of nearly all enterprise application development solutions.


Your data is one of the most valuable resources you have. Keeping it safe from attack (both internal and external), theft, abuse, or tampering is a top priority.

That’s why enterprise software development services always prioritize security.

Data Sharing

As already noted, your data is one of your most valuable resources. Managing and analyzing your enterprise data is a priority. Organizing, analyzing, and governing your data at scale requires unique solutions—ones that enterprise applications can provide.

Our Approach to Custom
Web Application Development

Get Started with Enterprise Applications Development and Diffco

We are ready to help to design your own custom web applications and level up. We create flexible, strategic solutions that keep you on the cusp of growth and innovation in your market. Based in Silicon Valley, the Diffco team operates worldwide. From the heart of the world's high-tech center, we bring the latest trends and the best technologies for your business’ success.

To hear more about how our enterprise applications development can solve your business solutions, please get in touch.

Let’s build something
great together

We believe in turning ideas into reality and we're ready to join your journey. Reach out to us and let's start discussing your project.

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